Dig for Your Purpose; Transform Your World

Hi Everyone,

On Friday and Saturday, November 1-2, I'll be offering a two-day training in my West Seattle living room for folks who are interested in the lifelong task of actualizing their deepest sense of purpose or calling.

Big topic, I know. But these are monumental times. In my own life and in my work with clients, this question of "What are we here for?" feels more alive than ever.

What is it?

This training is based on the third principle of my free course of personal transformation, "Dig for Your Purpose."

We'll be working with night-time dreams, imaginative exercises, as well as aspirations and desires that we all hold for a better future for ourselves and the world.

Many of you know much of my work to exist within the field of anti-oppression work. And while this workshop doesn't really fit in the container of what I would call "mainstream anti-oppression," I personally view this work as an important and often overlooked aspect of liberation work - in that it constitutes the work of cutting through much of the superficial conditioning to get closer to our deepest reason for being.

Image by Zoltan Tasi

What can you expect?

This workshop will introduce methods for contacting your purpose, deepening your experience of it, and integrating it into your life. You’ll be asked to explore your dreams, memories, relationships, and life challenges as part of the workshop. 

The workshop will include four basic kinds of activities: 

  1. Learning about methods for digging for your purpose.
  2. Practicing a method on your own, with a partner, or with a small group.
  3. Sharing what you uncover. 
  4. One-on-one work with me in front of the group. (While everyone will have the opportunity to work with me in front of the group, it’s totally up to you as to whether you’d like to do that or not.)

I’ll provide breakfast snacks and drinks when you arrive, and we’ll take a 1-hour lunch break between 12:00pm-1pm for you to enjoy local restaurants or a sack lunch.

What does it cost?

I suggest a price of $200 for it. And I offer it on a pay-what-you-can basis, which means that I encourage you to offer less or more according to what feels right for you and your financial situation.

How can you learn more?

If this sounds interesting to you, you can check out this informational letter I wrote about the training to learn more. Additionally, I'll be offering a free 30-minute Zoom call for folks who'd like to ask questions from 6:30-7pm Pacific on Wednesday, October 16. Simply send me an email at james.boutin@mailfence.com if you'd like to sign up for the Zoom call.

How can you sign up?

If you'd like to register, simply send me an email at james.boutin@mailfence.com letting me know, and I'll confirm your spot.

I appreciate you taking the time to check out what I'm offering these days. Please forward this on to others you think may be interested.

As always - please feel free to reach out and let me know how you're doing and what you're up to. I'd love to hear from you.

Lots of Love,

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